Mini BNC-BNC Cable, Regular and HD approved, 90 deg BNC optional
We make the hard-to-find premium Canare mini video cables using the super flexible L-1.5C2VS cable. Order standard 18” in lengths or select one of the other sizes available. If the size you want is not listed here, please contact us. This cable will work on HD for only modest lengths of a few feet. Cables are fitted with matching black boots.
NEW! For HD critical applications when you need a much longer length but want to keep a thin profile, we now make the mini cable with Canare's brand new L-2.5CHWS using specially mating HD BNCs. The cable diameter is 4.2mm and has a braided centre conductor for flexibility. The cable is rated at 12G for up to 32 meters (105 feet)! Please select the HD version from the list below or call for a custom length price. Cables are fitted with matching black boots. ALSO AVAILABLE WITH 90 DEGREE BNCs