Gold Mount Smart Module Power Splitter for EPIC/Dragon/Scarlet
Finally a power splitter solution tailored to your needs for EPIC, Scarlet and Dragon! Featuring a cable-less connection to your camera allowing you to hot-swap batteries by using the power input connector. Accessory connectors abound featuring:
- 3 x Lemo 2 pin 0B.302 (configurable to Lemo 4 pin 0B.304 pin on request)
- 1x Fischer 3 pin, 12V connection, no run/stop
- 1x PTap (SafeTap connector highly recommended for mating!)
- 1x 4 pin Hirose, Sony legacy connection and wiring
- 1x USB, iOS compatible
All connectors are directly wired to the integrated SafeTap circuitry for your protection! Read about the SafeTap features on our store. NOTE: Reversal polarity protection is ONLY available when a SafeTap is used on the INPUT of the equipment that is to be protected. All other features are implemented in this module, i.e. high voltage lockout, low voltage warning, deep discharge protection and over current limit.
Total draw permissible is 8A combined - internally fused. A built-in LCD voltmeter atop the splitter shows you the exact voltage available on the output connectors (except USB which is 5V).
This power module features genuine Anton Bauer QRC Gold mount, Fischer and Lemo connectors. Note: PowerTap connection not shown on pictures but installed on release version.